Bumped into this place of an evening while out riding. The queue was about ten deep and the shop only has 16 tiny seats so gave it a miss. On a second visit only had to wait five minutes. The main draw is obviously the Gyouza but they also do some ramen noodles as a Shime (Closing dish to fill you up). The guy who thought of this place must be Gyouza mad. You can choose three types of fillings 80% 60% 40% meat content, hence the name 864.

The Gyouza filling is lightly flavoured and the skins are fairly standard thickness. You then get to choose from a whole bunch of options like Ma-Ra sauce, Coriander, Clay pot cooked and several others. I took the Coriander 60% and the Ma-Ra ones with a Grapefruits sour.

In addition to the usual Ra-Yu, Soy Sauce and Vinegar, there is a special Ra-Yu which I recommend. Although it claims to be very spicy, I found this to be an exaggeration, but this did not detract from the nice crunch of peanuts and the additional flavour of the dried shrimps.

Any way, what I most liked about this place vs say Harajuku Gyouza, which I also like, is that I managed to have all twelve Gyouza with a different combination of flavours. I recommend this little exercise in creative thinking while you are eating. It made the meal that much more interesting and seemed to add to my appetite. I am sure next time with the help of a few friends I will manage more than twelve combinations.