I was recently invited to eat at a small Kushi-Age shop a bit out of town in Ebara-Nakanobu. The food was very standard fair, but the retro posters and retro drinks made for an interesting evening. The highlight of which was drinking Denki-Bran. Not because it was delicious but more because you rarely see it and yet in a phase in Japanese drinking culture somewhere in the Showa era, this was a very common drink. The name derives from electric and brandy. In essence I was told that it made your tongue tingle, so they called it electric brandy or in Japanese Denki-Bran. I like the fact they have kept a super retro bottle design. If you see it somewhere, it is probably best drunk as a highball but give it a go over the rocks first to see if you get the electric shock. Also try out Hoppy if they have it an interesting beer substitute, which I am told is ok for those with Gout. All the interesting things you learn on an evening out in deep Japan.

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